Finally backpacking again: Spain

Wow, it really has been a long time ago. I know I had grand plans for backpacking in 2006, but lack of time and money did not permit me to follow through on them :’-(. But now I’ve ended my last week of the year at my new university by going on a little inbetween backpack trip to Spain. Specifically 4 days of Barcelona and 3 days of Sevilla! As ever, it was totally unpredictable and fun, although I did have quite a bit of bad luck this time around (troubles getting to my bankaccount, being stranded in the centre of Barcelona, etc 😦 ).
Since most of the cool pictures were taken by some lovely ladies I had the honor of accompanying, I’m gonna wait till I get those in the mail before writing a full wall of text about this one. I should be busy finding a summer vacation job anyway now, If I’m to have any chance of going to Greece at the end of this summer vacation :D.
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